What are your top 10 favorite sites in the dark web?
op 10 favorites, eh? That’s a tough one. Well, if you’re talking exclusively about Tor, I can think of a few.
Fresh Onions - http://zlal32teyptf4tvi.onion - This is one of my favorite link lists. It’s actually a crawler that finds Tor hidden services, and updates frequently. It can be hard to navigate, but I find a lot of the links interesting.

MadIRC - http://qj3m7wxqk4pfqwob.onion/ - This is simply an IRC chat with a few people I know casually, but it’s always lots of fun. If you’re into coding, anonymity, and all that stuff, it’s great. Of course, harassment and plugging commercial services are forbidden. It’s best to access it via an IRC client like HexChat or WeeChat, but you can also get to it through the Tor Browser.

The Dark Lair - http://vrimutd6so6a565x.onion/ The Dark Lair is a social network that uses a message board format. You have to register in order to post, but I think registration is open at the moment. It also has a cryptographic puzzle on it, which its owner, Garnech the Prime, created. (He even came up with the algorithm himself.) For those of you who like puzzles, the site says no one ever solved it, so the webmaster finally posted the solution!

not Evil - http://hss3uro2hsxfogfq.onion - not Evil is one of the major Tor search engines that I use frequently. It gets the most results, and I often find what I’m looking for. (I’ve called it the “Google of Tor” before on Quora.) It also has its own chat room, AI bot, and the 1980s text RPGs Zork I, II, and III.

TheChess - http://theches3nacocgsc.onion - anonymously play chess games over Tor. I’m not a great chess player, but I thought this was interesting.

Psycho Social Network - http://psycnets7z6tvqpa.onion/ - I know it sounds creepy, but Psycho Social Network is an interesting site. It’s basically a social network for people who might be considered “freaks” on the clearnet. I’m sure there are non-Tor sites like this too, but I enjoy it. (And yes, that’s my poor attempt at blurring the names; it’s not easy to do with a touchpad!)

Red Triangle - Chapter 1 - http://7zzhplvtai2jauiw.onion/ - This is one of those “Cicada”-like puzzles, or ARGs. There are some YouTube videos about it if you’re interested. I love these kinds of things! (I don’t think the entire thing has been solved yet.) Up until recently, there was a fan wiki about it, but I just noticed it had been deleted.

Cannabis Growers and Merchants Cooperative (CGMC) - http://cgmcoopwhempo6a5.onion/ - Since I haven’t mentioned any darknet markets yet, this is a pretty good one. They specialize in cannabis and psychedelics.

Galaxy3 - http://22dvf4xgaqa672b4.onion - Galaxy3 is another social network. Its predecessors had similar names. One thing I like about this one is that they have a no-scam policy, as well as a “no CP” policy (that’s something I vehemently oppose, for the record). Plus, the people on it seem pretty cool, in general. There are a lot of coders and tech-minded folks.
Games - http://uhu7jakqd6ttrqlw.onion/ga... - a site that has a bunch of retro games and RPGs like D&D and Missile Command. How could you not love it?

I have to be honest; it was hard to come up with 10 sites, but there you go. I hope you enjoy these, if you get the chance to visit them.
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